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Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyDealsRadar?

MyDealsRadar is an app that collects and displays the best deals and promotions available online. We continuously update to ensure you always find the best prices on your favorite products.

How does MyDealsRadar work?

MyDealsRadar scans different platforms and stores to identify standout discounts and deals. You can browse by categories, search for specific products, or be surprised by the best promotions of the day.

Is MyDealsRadar free to use?

Yes, MyDealsRadar is completely free.

How do I know the deals are real?

We verify deals in real-time to ensure prices and discounts are accurate. However, since promotions are often limited, we recommend acting quickly to take advantage of them.

Can I purchase directly from MyDealsRadar?

MyDealsRadar does not handle sales directly. When you find a deal you’re interested in, we redirect you to the seller’s official website to complete your purchase securely.

What happens if a deal is no longer available?

Since deals change quickly, some promotions may expire or may not be updated in our database. We recommend checking and acting as soon as possible.

What types of products can I find on MyDealsRadar?

You can find discounts on technology, fashion, appliances, video games, home products, and much more. Categories are constantly updated to cover a wide range of interests.